PATH Contents > Managing components
Managing components

This document shows how to manage components of a project, be it adding, sorting, importing, removing or renaming components.

Adding a component to a metapackage

A metapackage can contain one or more components. These components can be packages or/and metapackages. You can add a component to a metapackage by:

To add a new component to a metapackage:

1Select the metapackage in the Packages & Metapackages list.
2Choose View > Components.

Choose Project > New Component… .

Note: You can also use the contextual menus of the Components list or Packages & Metapackages list to invoke the New Component… command.
4Type the name of the component in the Component name text field.
5Choose the component type from the Type pop-up menu.
6Choose the component attribute from the Attribute pop-up menu.
7Click Add.

To add an already built component to a metapackage:

1Select the metapackage in the Packages & Metapackages list.
2Choose View > Components.

Choose Project > Import Components… .

Note: You can also use the contextual menus of the Components list or Packages & Metapackages list to invoke the Import Components… command.

Select the components (.pkg or .mpkg) to import.

5Click Import.

To add a component defined by a PackageMaker project to a metapackage in an Iceberg project::

1Select the metapackage in the Packages & Metapackages list.
2Choose View > Components.

Select the PackageMaker project in the Finder.

Note: Components of a metapackage project won't be imported.
4Drag and drop the file in the Components list.

To add a component from another Iceberg project:

1Select the metapackage in the Packages & Metapackages list.
2Choose View > Components.
3Choose File > Open… .
4Select the Iceberg project which contains the component to add and click Add.
5Select the component of the source project in the Packages & Metapackages list.
6Drag and drop the component to the destination project Components list.

Renaming a component

You may want to rename a component so that its name is more related to its content. It is important to remember this is also the name which is used for the .pkg or .mpkg bundle when the project is built.

  • If two components at the same level in the same project share the same name, the build of the project will fail.

  • There is no need to add the .pkg or .mpk extension to component names, this will be automatically done during the build.

To rename a component:

1Select the metapackage in the Packages & Metapackages list.
2Choose Project > Rename.
3Type the new name in the text field and press Return.

Changing a component attribute

A component attribute specifies if the component of a metapackage will be installed or not by default. The attribute can eventually be changed by the user in the Custom Install mode of Installer.

The attribute of a component can take three values:

Attribute  Installed by default  Changeable in Custom Install 
Selected Yes Yes
Unselected   No Yes
Required Yes No

Note: If the component is a package whose Required flag options is enabled, the component attribute will always be Required.

To change a component attribute:

1Select the component in the Packages & Metapackages list.

Choose the attribute fromm the Attribute pop-up menu.

Note: It is not possible to change the attribute of the root component of a project.

Enabling and disabling a component

By default, when you create a new component, it is enabled. This means that it will be built when the project is being built. This state is displayed in the Membership (•) column of the Packages & Metapackages list.

To enable or disable a component:

1Select the component in the Packages & Metapackages list.

Select or unselect the checkbox in the Membership (•) column.

Note: It is not possible to change the state of the root component of a project.

Removing a component

You can remove a component from the components hierarchy. If you remove a metapackage, all its components will be removed too.

To remove a component:

1Select the component in the Packages & Metapackages list.

Choose Edit > Delete


Click Delete

Note: it is not possible to remove the root component of a project.

Sorting components

You can reorder the components hierarchy by moving components from one metapackage to another or by sorting components by name or attributes. You need to remember that the hierarchy of components as displayed in the Packages & Metapackages list will be the one displayed in the Custom Install mode of Installer and used during the installation.

To change the parent metapackage of a component:

1Select the component in the Packages & Metapackages list.

Drag and drop the component in the Components folder of the target metapackage.

Note: If you drag and drop the component in another project, it will be just copied to the target project.

To manually sort components of the same level:

1Select the component in the Packages & Metapackages list.
2Drag and drop the component in the Components folder of its parent metapackage to change its position.

To automatically sort components of the same level:

1Select the components to sort in the Packages & Metapackages list.
2Choose View > Components.
3Choose Project > Sort > By Name to sort components by name or Project > Sort > By Attribute to sort them by attributes.

Grouping and ungrouping components

If necessary, you can group components of the samel level in a metapackage. It is also possible to ungroup all the components of a metapackage.

To group components in a metapackage:


Select the components to group in the Packages & Metapackages list.

Note: The components need to be at the same level in the hierarchy.
2Choose Project > Group.

To ungroup all the components of a metapackage:


Select all the components at the first level of the metapackage in the Packages & Metapackages list.

Note: It is not possible to ungroup the components of a metapackage if it is the root component.
2Choose Project > Ungroup.

Changing the relative location of components

By default, when the project is being build, the components of a metapackage are created at the same level as the metapackage. You can change the relative location of components, for instance to have them be created within the metapackage itself.

To change the relative location of components of a metapackage:

1Select the metapackage in the Packages & Metapackages list.
2Choose View > Components.

Choose the relative location from the Location pop-up menu or type the relative location in the Location text field.

Note: If some folders of the relative path do not exist, they will be created when the project is being build.

Author: Stéphane Sudre